Monday, June 23, 2008

Summer has begun!

Well, here we are, the 4th day of me being off work for the summer and it's raining, cool ( I can turn the air off in the house), and my daughter has the flu! What a way to start the week.

Don't bet me wrong, it's just stuff you go through when you have kids. I am excited that I work for the school system. I get summer's off with the kids, I can take them to the pool and read my books while they swim. I don't really have "neighborhood mom friends" so I don't really chat with the mom's at the pool. I think this summer I will try to meet more people, step out of the box!

I will also spend more time with my old friends, Kim and Chrissy. I really miss them. Since I started working full time I haven't seen them much in the past year. We used to scrap together, every Tuesday night. We sort of got burnt out with it and each other, I think, and stopped. We did have some drama with another person in our group and she stopped scrapping with us. That left the three of us. You know how it is when you have three friends, someone is always feeling slighted in some way. But, in any case I love them both.

So, I will be scrapping in my little scrap area, downstairs, away from the kids and trying to catch up, since I am a year behind. I love to scrap my families memories. I will post some of my newest pages when I get started.

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