Sunday, July 27, 2008

Movie Man takes a jump

This summer has been pretty boring so far, we really haven't done much because we are so poor I can't even pay attention! DQ went to grandpa's and Movie Man got to stay home with boring MOM, poor kid.
Well, then to make his life more miserable, I sold our swingset. I know, mom's a witch.
Swingset rocked but it was time for it to go, it took up almost half the yard and they kids really didn't play on it anymore. Don't worry, I'm not that mean, I did replace it with something I knew they would like.It took him a while to get the hang of it but once he did, he almost launched into space!! Good times.

Those Bastards!

My hubby and I planted a small garden in our backyard this summer. We planted only a few different veggies because we weren't sure if they would last. I say "last" because we have a major Deer problem in our neighborhood. This is the time of year where the bastards are eating EVERYTHING! They have had their babies and now it's time to chow down.
These deer are not picky eaters either, those fuckers have eaten every damn thing they could find in my yard. We planted flowers and stuff in the front garden, they ate them! We planted a bush on the site yard, they ate it!
Now, this really pisses Hubby off to no end. He was ready to get a shotgun, yes, I mean a gun, sit outside and shoot the suckers, right between the eyes. He has a vendetta against them because they ate all his tomato plants a few years ago.
Evidence: Eaten zucchini!
So, our new garden is in the backyard. We have tomatoes, zucchini, squash and cucumbers. We planted some strawberry plants but they are not producing a lot. We took all the precautions we could to keep them out including putting a net over the entire garden. The cats get stuck in it all the time.
The next day we come out to check on the garden and they had gotten in and eaten ALL the tops off the tomato plants and one whole zuccini plant!! "Those Bastards!" Hubby was really mad now!! He decided to pull and Indiana Jones move and puts up all these sticks and bamboo and shovels, up at the entrance, see the picture above, in the hopes that they will not be able to get in. Whatever!!
Somehow, they came in and ate my cucumbers, leaving part of it, then taking a big shit in the yard, just to let us know who did it!
One night, a few weeks ago, hubby was sitting out back, chillin, when he saw it, in the garden! He gets up slowly, trying to be silent and starts throwing rocks at the deer! I don't know if you have ever seen the video where the deer beats the shit out of a guy but that would have been hubby if that thing got pissed and decided to come and kick his ass! Hubby said the deer just walked slowly, like it wasn't seen yet, out of the yard. We decided to put some Shotgun deer spray on the rest of the veggies. We haven't seen and shit in the backyard after that. Here's the veggies we grew so far,