Thursday, August 14, 2008

I survived

I survived my first day back to work, after being off the entire summer. I like my job, it's never a dull moment working in a High school office. We have so much stuff to do before the kids come back and I am getting ready to deal with the chaos that is the first day of school. I missed that fun part last year because I stared in Oct. It should be interesting to say the least.

I have to say, this summer really sucked ass. That's ok, at least I spend some quality time with the kids. Movie man learned to ride his two wheeler, finally. It took me 3 days to get him to get on the bike, then another 2 days to get him to ride it without falling over. Once, he got the hang of it that was it, he was gone, riding all over the place. It was awesome. He was so proud if himself, which made it even better.

1 comment:

Christina M. said...

Great blog and hello from "All Mediocre" :)