So, tomorrow morning I have to go to the airport and pick up my youngest daughter. She went to grampa's house, in New Hampshire, for a week. This is the first time she has EVER been away from home. This kid will not even spend the night at a friend's house! I usually have to go pick her up in the middle of the night, IF I even said yes to begin with. Drama Princess was calling me the first few nights, crying, telling me she wants to come home, which obviously she is not going to do because I'm not driving 9 hours to get her!! She also made it a point to tell me that she cried herself to sleep the night before. OH MAN, that was a heart wrencher! I wanted to tell my dad to change her flight and send her home! But I did well, I just kept our conversations upbeat and didn't let her know I was missing her too!
After about the 3rd night she was fine. No more crying and she was going to sleep on her own without crying. I was praising her beyond necessary.
Anyway now my next anxiety inucing thing is her flying home, with her 10 yr old cousin. Now, when I was a kid, and the was a LONG time ago, my brother and I flew to Florida to stay with my dad for the summer. It really wasn't a big deal back then. Not to mention it was a short flight. I am totally freaking out about her doing this!!! I know, maybe I may be overeacting a bit but with 911, oh I don't even want to think about it. Ok, she will be fine and I am going to be there probably and hour before her flight even gets in, at the gate. I will have my camera too. I gotta catch the scrapbooking moments, ya know? Sick, I know.
I have a camera everywhere I go! I am addicted to pictures and well of course scrapbooking and OOOO do not tell the GREEN people but I really really love my Paper! Sorry about that! O and btw they way I grew in VA and currently in GA but Maryland is the land of good seafood! I miss those Crabs there! OOO all steamed and old bay seasonings....they are just not the same here.
I love crabs and seafood in MD!
i would send her with chocolates or cookies or whatever for the airline crew...
i'm sure they will keep a good eye on her then!
having a husband that is a pilot...and being on many flights myself...i'm sure they will keep their eye on her. especially if she remembers to be polite and brings a treat for them!
Thanks for the great idea, Jen!! I know if I had some cookies etc, I would be really happy to have that passenger!
She did make it home safely though, I think she had some blueberry muffins to pass out,;)
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