My son, who is 8, is obsessed with ebay. He surf's through all the toys he wants and then tells me he needs some money so he can buy them. He doesn't understand how auctions work yet, but he does know about Buy it Now! Well, today, he saw a Ben 10 alien force jacket, yes I know who this is and all the characters from the show, along with their special powers!! It's crazy, I bid on the jacket, I was outbid by someone else, then I bid again, my husband raised the stakes, I was still outbid. So, I had to explain to Son that I was not going to bid any higher then I already did. Then comes the crying. That is the saddest thing ever, him crying tears my heart out. You will be glad to know that I held my ground and told him he will have to deal with the disappointment because I am not bidding any more. He now has moved on to the action figures. Here we go again with the bidding, but at least it's MUCH cheaper then the jacket. Oh to be a kid. He is soooo cute!!