Monday, July 21, 2008

The Airport

So, Saturday I picked up Drama queen from the airport, which went smoother then I thought it would. We went to the line, got the escort pass, went through security, which was not bad at all. The one thing I really didn't like was taking off my shoes, I was wearing flip flops so I wouldn't have to do that, to go through the security gate. As I stood there watching others walk through with no shoes on, most people had on flip flops too, all I could think of was, "What if someone has fungus or plantar warts or something gross like that?" EWWWW! I think they should have wipes, you know like they do at the grocery stores to wipe off the cart handle, at the security gate so that you can wipe the floor or your feel or something! That would have made me feel better about the whole thing. There really is no way around having to take off your shoes and SOCKS too! I have an issue with feet. I don't like other people touching me with their feet, even family members! So, as I watched the other people ahead of me walk through, barefoot, I prepared myself to go through. If I get some kind of funk on my feet I will totally sue that airport!!! LOL So, if your a germaphob, which I am a little bit, bring your wipes even thought they may get confiscated!