Sunday, July 27, 2008

Movie Man takes a jump

This summer has been pretty boring so far, we really haven't done much because we are so poor I can't even pay attention! DQ went to grandpa's and Movie Man got to stay home with boring MOM, poor kid.
Well, then to make his life more miserable, I sold our swingset. I know, mom's a witch.
Swingset rocked but it was time for it to go, it took up almost half the yard and they kids really didn't play on it anymore. Don't worry, I'm not that mean, I did replace it with something I knew they would like.It took him a while to get the hang of it but once he did, he almost launched into space!! Good times.


Anonymous said...

Oh man.

You're a brave,brave, mama!

Scrapinjnyhart said...

Kristen-I know, I have to be brave with this toy! I was gonna get the enclosure but they would destroy it, I'm sure. I went on it and it's not that bad. They gotta follow the rules so no one gets hurt!

Kris said...

"we are so poor I can't even pay attention" - Ha! That description fits us so well it's not even funny. I like it.

Trampoline looks fun though...