Sunday, July 27, 2008

Movie Man takes a jump

This summer has been pretty boring so far, we really haven't done much because we are so poor I can't even pay attention! DQ went to grandpa's and Movie Man got to stay home with boring MOM, poor kid.
Well, then to make his life more miserable, I sold our swingset. I know, mom's a witch.
Swingset rocked but it was time for it to go, it took up almost half the yard and they kids really didn't play on it anymore. Don't worry, I'm not that mean, I did replace it with something I knew they would like.It took him a while to get the hang of it but once he did, he almost launched into space!! Good times.

Those Bastards!

My hubby and I planted a small garden in our backyard this summer. We planted only a few different veggies because we weren't sure if they would last. I say "last" because we have a major Deer problem in our neighborhood. This is the time of year where the bastards are eating EVERYTHING! They have had their babies and now it's time to chow down.
These deer are not picky eaters either, those fuckers have eaten every damn thing they could find in my yard. We planted flowers and stuff in the front garden, they ate them! We planted a bush on the site yard, they ate it!
Now, this really pisses Hubby off to no end. He was ready to get a shotgun, yes, I mean a gun, sit outside and shoot the suckers, right between the eyes. He has a vendetta against them because they ate all his tomato plants a few years ago.
Evidence: Eaten zucchini!
So, our new garden is in the backyard. We have tomatoes, zucchini, squash and cucumbers. We planted some strawberry plants but they are not producing a lot. We took all the precautions we could to keep them out including putting a net over the entire garden. The cats get stuck in it all the time.
The next day we come out to check on the garden and they had gotten in and eaten ALL the tops off the tomato plants and one whole zuccini plant!! "Those Bastards!" Hubby was really mad now!! He decided to pull and Indiana Jones move and puts up all these sticks and bamboo and shovels, up at the entrance, see the picture above, in the hopes that they will not be able to get in. Whatever!!
Somehow, they came in and ate my cucumbers, leaving part of it, then taking a big shit in the yard, just to let us know who did it!
One night, a few weeks ago, hubby was sitting out back, chillin, when he saw it, in the garden! He gets up slowly, trying to be silent and starts throwing rocks at the deer! I don't know if you have ever seen the video where the deer beats the shit out of a guy but that would have been hubby if that thing got pissed and decided to come and kick his ass! Hubby said the deer just walked slowly, like it wasn't seen yet, out of the yard. We decided to put some Shotgun deer spray on the rest of the veggies. We haven't seen and shit in the backyard after that. Here's the veggies we grew so far,

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Airport

So, Saturday I picked up Drama queen from the airport, which went smoother then I thought it would. We went to the line, got the escort pass, went through security, which was not bad at all. The one thing I really didn't like was taking off my shoes, I was wearing flip flops so I wouldn't have to do that, to go through the security gate. As I stood there watching others walk through with no shoes on, most people had on flip flops too, all I could think of was, "What if someone has fungus or plantar warts or something gross like that?" EWWWW! I think they should have wipes, you know like they do at the grocery stores to wipe off the cart handle, at the security gate so that you can wipe the floor or your feel or something! That would have made me feel better about the whole thing. There really is no way around having to take off your shoes and SOCKS too! I have an issue with feet. I don't like other people touching me with their feet, even family members! So, as I watched the other people ahead of me walk through, barefoot, I prepared myself to go through. If I get some kind of funk on my feet I will totally sue that airport!!! LOL So, if your a germaphob, which I am a little bit, bring your wipes even thought they may get confiscated!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Picking up the drama princess!

So, tomorrow morning I have to go to the airport and pick up my youngest daughter. She went to grampa's house, in New Hampshire, for a week. This is the first time she has EVER been away from home. This kid will not even spend the night at a friend's house! I usually have to go pick her up in the middle of the night, IF I even said yes to begin with. Drama Princess was calling me the first few nights, crying, telling me she wants to come home, which obviously she is not going to do because I'm not driving 9 hours to get her!! She also made it a point to tell me that she cried herself to sleep the night before. OH MAN, that was a heart wrencher! I wanted to tell my dad to change her flight and send her home! But I did well, I just kept our conversations upbeat and didn't let her know I was missing her too!

After about the 3rd night she was fine. No more crying and she was going to sleep on her own without crying. I was praising her beyond necessary.

Anyway now my next anxiety inucing thing is her flying home, with her 10 yr old cousin. Now, when I was a kid, and the was a LONG time ago, my brother and I flew to Florida to stay with my dad for the summer. It really wasn't a big deal back then. Not to mention it was a short flight. I am totally freaking out about her doing this!!! I know, maybe I may be overeacting a bit but with 911, oh I don't even want to think about it. Ok, she will be fine and I am going to be there probably and hour before her flight even gets in, at the gate. I will have my camera too. I gotta catch the scrapbooking moments, ya know? Sick, I know.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Learning something new....

Is such a challenge, especially when you want to know it, like, yesterday. I have decided to learn more about web design including how to make blog headers etc. One thing about me is that when I want to learn something, I get obsessive about it. I will research for HOURS about it and find websites with information on the subject. So, with that said, I have ignored my kids and hubby for about 4 days just being on the computer, learning. I know, bad mom. Don't worry, they are fed, bathed and have clean clothes so I haven't been neglecting them completely. I will show you some of the new banners, headers whatever you want to call them, when I get some made.

It's been a while

Hey there! Sorry it's been so long since I have been on here to update. I have actually been busy!
My youngest daughter, Drama Queen, just left on Saturday to her g-pa's house, she has never been able to sleep away from home, so this is the first trip away from the family!! Of course, I got the call last night, fairly early, that she wanted to come home. Uh, not happening. She is in New Hampshire, which is about an 8 hr car ride from us. I hope she will have so much fun she will get over the homesickness. My poor baby, maybe that's the problem, I baby her to much!
My son, who didn't go to g-pa's this trip, is home complaining that he's bored. We went and got a trampoline yesterday. It's been fun so far. Hubby has even gone on it, it was so funny to see him doing some kind of activity with our son. When he got off, he said his legs felt giggley! Yes, I jumped too. I am going to get on that thing a lot, I gotta lose some weight and I tell ya, that things makes me tired very quickly!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Weekend in review

I was bored yesterday so I thought I would get out and use my camera a bit. I took some pictures of the flowers in the backyard. I am not, by any means, a photographer so taking nature photos is kinda cool. Here are just a few. The one up top is my kitty, Sunshine. She is so sweet. She likes to lick my legs for some odd reason. The birdhouse is very old, obviously. The flowers are one bush that has 2 different colors on it. Cool.

The family and I were supposed to go to see fireworks in Laurel, with my friend and her family plus a bunch of other families that we know, but I didn't feel like it, so we stayed home. I layed in bed, I am PMSing, and watched "deadliest catch" for about 3 hours. That show is just insane! I did feel a bit better and thought that my life could be worse, check out those guys.

We decided to sell our Little Tikes playground. When I say playground, it is huge, with swings. I had to go out and pressure wash it to clean it up for the people coming tomorrow to look at it. I think it probably took about an hour to get all the crude off of it. We've had it for about 7 yrs, but it looks new. That rocks! I want to get a trampoline for the kids, and for me too. It will be so awesome for us to get out there and just have fun. I can't wait. Hubby thinks someone is going to break a bone in the first 2 days, he's a party pooper!!
So, I ended up pressure washing the entire house!! I love doing that! I like that I can clean just about anything with that machine. Sididng, gutters, windows and I even cleaned the patio in the backyard. Good times. I am really tired and soaking wet but it was all good.
My brother and niece came over and stayed all weekend. It's cool to have my niece over, she's that same age as my daughter, Drama Princess. The kids went in the basement and proceeded to trash it, with polly pockets, barbies, race cars and some other misc. items. At about 11pm my bro says he's gonna leave and leaves me with a big mess to clean up. No, my kids don't clean up after themselves, whatever. My whole thing is "if you want something done right do it yourself." I know it's a pain in the ass but my kids a lazy and I don't want them just throwing the toys wherever.
So, that was my boring weekend.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Blast from the Past

Have you been sitting around and wondering what ever happened to your best friend from middle school or the guy you used to be great friends with in high school? I have been doing that for the past year. Well, I found 2 people to whom I was very good friends with back in the day. I found myy friend John, who was a very close friend, we lost touch for about 15 years, and a woman that I was very good friends with , Lisa. It is so funny how you find out that these people have grown up and have their own families just like you. It seems like time stands still and they should not have all these great things, not that I wish that on anyone. Both are married with great jobs, marriages, and kids. I am so glad that they are happy and made a great life for themselves. It's also great to reminese(?) about the past with people who were "there" in your crazy past. So, I talk to John just about every day, catching up on life and Lisa I have been emailing. Lisa sent me a picture of a group of us girls at homecoming, in 1985!!! It was a good laugh! I miss the old days but don't want to go back!
Happy Fourth of July.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ebay is Evil!!

My son, who is 8, is obsessed with ebay. He surf's through all the toys he wants and then tells me he needs some money so he can buy them. He doesn't understand how auctions work yet, but he does know about Buy it Now! Well, today, he saw a Ben 10 alien force jacket, yes I know who this is and all the characters from the show, along with their special powers!! It's crazy, I bid on the jacket, I was outbid by someone else, then I bid again, my husband raised the stakes, I was still outbid. So, I had to explain to Son that I was not going to bid any higher then I already did. Then comes the crying. That is the saddest thing ever, him crying tears my heart out. You will be glad to know that I held my ground and told him he will have to deal with the disappointment because I am not bidding any more. He now has moved on to the action figures. Here we go again with the bidding, but at least it's MUCH cheaper then the jacket. Oh to be a kid. He is soooo cute!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Boring day

Well, the weather is nice, not to humid today. The kids and I have been pretty bored for the past couple of days. They have been watching every movie we own, which is quite a few. There really isn't much to go and do around here that doesn't cost a ton of money. I guess I could take them to the park, but I don't feel motivated to go out anywhere. I got my new scrapbooking stuff in the mail yesterday, really cute stuff. Now, I have to get some ink and paper for my photo printer to print some pictures to scrap. Blah, Blah, Blah.