Monday, August 25, 2008

New people are hard

Have you ever had someone you work with be a total slacker? I can relate to that one. We have a new person in the office who has been there before, left and came back recently, into a new position. I understand that this person doesn't know the same stuff that we other secretaries know, but she was there a week and learned some of the stuff. Like answering the phones, come on man. When you have other people in the office who are totally busy with other stuff, at least answer the f**ing phones!
Can you stay at your desk long enough to help us??? What the hell can she be thinking? I hope the week gets better.

The day is almost over, thank god!

So, I started work last week. The kids hadn't started back at school so Miss Mania watched them all last week. Things went well.
Today was the first day of school for the county that I work in and my kids start tomorrow(we live in a different county). I am soo exhausted, I want to fall asleep right this minute!
I got home a little late today and when I arrived home my kids were there to cheerfully greet me. As soon as I walked in the door, I see it. The living room is completely trashed! The kithcen looks like a tornado went through it and there are clothes everywhere!!!! WTF? I asked Miss Mania what happened. She replied, "I don't know, mom, the kids wouldn't listen and they were being really bad today."
I swear I want to scream and yell and throw a temper tantrum. Against my better judgment, I decided I would clean the shit up. If I want something done rightI do it myself. My kids are lazy and I treat them like babies. I need to stop doing this, I tell myself. I need to be firm and authoritive with them. I still ended up cleaning the shit by myself, while they play xbox 360. I do that so I can get some peace and quite. When they are occupied, they leave me alone!! See, it all works out for the best, in my own warped mind!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

WTF is wrong here???

I am a pretty laid back person. I deal with my kids craziness and my husbands lack of discipline in the family.
When my kids were little, it was cute for them to go outside in their diapers and play or naked in the little pool in the backyard. Our house was know affectionately as the "naked baby house" by Miss mania's friends.
But, now that they are getting older and know better, they think it's funny to go outside in their underwear.
Today, they were playing outside, on the trampoline, with the hose. Yes, they were soaked. I told them to come in and eat dinner. They come in, eat, change and go back outside. Hubby and I are sitting out back chatting when we see them come out with a shirt and underwear, towards the front yard.
Our backyard is secluded from the street so if they come out there inappropriately dressed, no big deal. It's when they get the bright idea of riding bikes, in the street, with a shirt and underwear. WTF?? I told them to come in and get some shorts on, but NO they proceeded to ride around in underwear, laughing hysterically riding around.
Where did I go wrong people??? Why do my kids torment me? It's anyone's guess.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I got some gas!!

No, not "gas", like pass gas, but gas for my vehicle! That's just gross people, stop it, stop laughing!
I am a little anal, no pun intended, about finding low priced gas. I will totally drive around and look to see who has the cheapest gas prices and memorize which place it is. No, I don't actually drive around, I only check out the places on the route that I drive to work and home. I finally found a place, near my house, that has the cheapest, it's only $3.59 a gallon. That is cheap around here in the beautiful, smog filled Maryland. I love cheap gas, especially since I drive a half hour to work eand home every day! How about you? What's the cheapest gas around you?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I survived

I survived my first day back to work, after being off the entire summer. I like my job, it's never a dull moment working in a High school office. We have so much stuff to do before the kids come back and I am getting ready to deal with the chaos that is the first day of school. I missed that fun part last year because I stared in Oct. It should be interesting to say the least.

I have to say, this summer really sucked ass. That's ok, at least I spend some quality time with the kids. Movie man learned to ride his two wheeler, finally. It took me 3 days to get him to get on the bike, then another 2 days to get him to ride it without falling over. Once, he got the hang of it that was it, he was gone, riding all over the place. It was awesome. He was so proud if himself, which made it even better.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I feel like shit and other stuff

I have been off work the entire summer. It has sucked really bad. We have been soooo poor, I have wondered how we were gonna make it day to day. Because I work for the county schools, I didn't get paid this summer, I will, next summer though, thank goodness.
So, I am starting work tomorrow! Man, I am really happy to start getting paid, but I can't help but feel sick to my stomach, anxious and paniky to go back. Apparently, I don't like change very much. I suffer from panic attacks and anxiety anyway but have basically controlled it. Today, I'm just feeling ill. You would think I would be happy to get away from the screaming kids, crazy dog, sick cat and whiny hubby! But, not so much!
So, here I sit, trying to feel ok. it sucks.
Meanwhile, the kids are asking me all these questions and want me to play baseball, barbie's etc. Can I just scream??? It will get better.
Thanks for listening, people! You all rock, all one of you! Like I always say "If I don't laugh, I'll cry!" So, I'm laughing!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

this just rocks...

I have been searching the internet for some really cool graphics for my blog header. I found so much, I just can't decide. I am no graphic artist but I think I did a pretty good job with this one. I found the graphic online and just added my title etc to it.
I am totally into abstract designs and swirls right now. I love color and I love change but I don't always have the means to envoke change the way I want. My kids and hubby, not so much! Oh well they gotta live with me!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sleeping with a 10 yr old

Not like that you sickos!!! Get your minds out of the gutter and hang up the phone( I know you were calling CPS on me). My daughter, Drama princess, is almost 10 yrs old and STILL tries to sleep in my bed. Now, when she was little, I rocker her to sleep with soothing songs and her bottle. Then I put her to bed in her crib. Normal, right?? Then, what the hell happened??? Since we moved into this house (7 years ago, people!!) she has been afraid to sleep alone. My husband and I have a queen size bed, just big enough for us. DQ is almost as tall as me and it's like having another freakin' adult in the bed!! She also sleeps sideways, kicking, rolling, punching and snoring!!!
DQ actually hit Hubby in the face, while he was sleeping! He was soooo pissed, he got up and slept on the couch, not just for the night but for months!! Ok, then DQ went to grandpa's house and had to sleep on her own, G-pa doesn't play that shit, and she cried herself to sleep. Poor baby. DQ comes home from G-Pa's and started sleeping in her own room, in her won bed. OH HAPPY DAY!!! Hubby and I actually were able to...ya know... in or bed!! Now, DQ is falling asleep on the couch, I wake her up, take her to her room and she comes in my bed in the middle of the night. I wake up with her and not Hubby. WTF???? I think I have babied her for to long and now I'm screwed, and not by Hubby. Damn, this really sucks.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I'm gettin' good

Ok, so as I told you, I was trying to learn some stuff about web design and HTML. Well, I have gotten a little better at the whole blog title thing! As you can see from my new blog banner, I made this all by myself!! I used photoshop and that was a bitch to figure out. I still don't know 3/4 of the shit there is to do on there. One day at a time.
I am learning the HTML by trial and error and doing A LOT of research on the net.
There are so many different sites that have tutorials, I can't keep up with what the hell I'm doing anymore! I have a ton of bookmarks for all those sites and most of them I already forgot why I bookmarked them. Man, I am so obsessive about things. Oh well, knowledge is power, right?

Democrat or Republican? What's you choice this time around?

I am a democrat but I really think this time I'm gonna vote Republican. I think we need some of the "old boys club" and old fashion values put back into theis county.
This world has gotta so pathetic. From power, abortion, gay rights, war, and so much more. I can't even think about all this shit, it's giving me a headache.
You know, I don't even watch the news because I am so tired of hearing about the demise of our country. It really gets me depressed. Hubby watches CNN religiously and tells me what's up when I ask, which is hardly ever! It's all bullshit!! What kind of world are our kids growing up in? I live very clise to DC and I want to move sooooo badly, to a farm, or an island somewhere far, far away, kinda like Shrek and the swamp thing! Oh, yeah, I can't even sell my damn house now because the fucking mortage companies are not making it easy for people to get approved. Bastards!
I live in a suburb and I see MS13 grafetti around my area. Don't get me wrong I live in a great, safe, clean, middle class to upper middle class hood but once outside of the hood, about 2 miles in either direction, GHETTO!!! I hate this shit.
Ok, I'm done on my soapbox. I don't mean to offend anyone with anything I have written hear and if I did, get the fuck over yourself!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sugar Skulls and some tats

WWWOOOOO HHHHOOOO! I found my next tattoo! I am sooo totally obsessed with these things, sugar skulls. Have you ever seen them? Here's a picture:
These are someone else's tattoos but I love the colors and designs. What? You love them too, but it would be really painful? Yeah, that's what I'm scared of. I would have to wait to get the nerve (and the money!) up for this one. So, do you have any tattoos? When did you get them and do you regret it? I just got my first one about 3 months ago and they are addicting. I am ready for the next one.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Miss Mania and her crazy ways

Wow, things have been a little hectic around here. Miss Mania moved to a new place over the weekend. Yeah, I know, she's still 17 but if you knew that bullshit I have gone through with that kid over the past 5 yrs, you would agree with me about letting her ass move out of the house early!! Miss Mania is bipolar, hormonal and all around not a very easy person to get along with. I think she is idiot savant. Have you ever encountered a bipolar person? In any way, family member or friend? Man, it is sooo crazy to try to raise a bipolar child. All I can say is "LIVING HELL, PEOPLE!!" Only by the grace of god, did I survive the past 5 yrs with this one!
She has her own agenda and thoughts about life, you ever here of the saying "live and learn"? That is the story of her life. If she gets an idea in her head, no matter how stupid it is or you just know it's not right, she will argue until you get it, do it, or agree with it.
I swear, if she gets a job and keeps it for more then a month, I will die! Don't get me wrong, I love her, she's my first born, from my first husband, she is beautiful and can be the sweetest, funniest person around but she is the Demon seed!!!
I love my child, I love my child, I love my child........... I feel the panic setting in!~!! Not really!